REBUILD project was presented by Maria Amata Garito, Rector of Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno at the workshop organized on 26-28th April 2021, in the framework of the EU-CANADA Programme Level Cooperation Task Force. The 3-day online event under the title “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Artificial Intelligence” was organized in the framework of the EU-CANADA Programme Level Cooperation Task Force aiming to understand the global approach to overcome the gender/diversity gaps and the gender/diversity bias in AI and digital skills and how to better align research and innovation with the needs, values and expectations of society.
During the first day, there was organized a session including presentations of ongoing European and Canadian key projects and initiatives paving the way to future research priorities.
Dr. Maria Amata Garito, rector of Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno presented the REBUILD project.
The session included the following projects:
EU projects
- Philip Brey, Universiteit Twente – Project SIENNA
- Maria Amata Garito, Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno - Project REBUILD
- Teresa Scantamburlo, Cà Foscari– AI4EU project
- Kathleen Richardson, De Montfort University– SHERPA project
- Agnieszka Wykowska, IIT – ERC project Social cognition in human-robot interaction
Canadian initiatives
- Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Canada 150 Chair/Professor, Simon Fraser University
- Jutta Treviranus, Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre and Professor, Faculty of Design, OCAD University
- Andrew J. Greenshaw, Professor of Psychiatry & Associate Chair (Research), University of Alberta
- Sasha Luccioni, Postdoctoral Researcher, AI for Humanity, Université de Montréal
- Caroline Running Wolf, University of British Columbia

About the EU-CANADA Programme Level Cooperation
A science and technology cooperation agreement has been in place since 1996, and is not limited in time. The science and technology cooperation dialogue happens through the EU-Canada Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee. Main areas of cooperation include:
- Health
- ICT and food
- Agriculture and fisheries
- Biotechnology
Biotechnology has grown to become a best practice for international cooperation, with the development of a very successful project-twinning mechanism which is spreading to other geographical and to other research areas (energy).
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EU Intrernational Cooperation / Canada
Canada and the European Union