
العودة إلى القائمة

Joint Handbook on Migrant’s Integration: a service design and supply perspective



On October 21 and 22, 2021, the six projects named MIICT, REBUILD, NADINE, MICADO, easyRights, and WELCOME, all funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, organized their second Joint Migration Policy Roundtable. This Handbook reflects on the two thematic lines common to all the six projects, namely: co-creation, participatory design and multi-stakeholder collaboration on the one hand; ICT or AI based tools and novel digital services for supporting integration on the other. Its contents are the result of the discussion among Roundtable participants, which was articulated in two thematic sessions: the first taking stock of the cocreational dimension to frame the wider issue of service co-design for social integration; the second reflecting on the sustainability conditions of newly developed ICT or AI enabled tools and services.

The twin aim was to identify pitfalls of the current approaches to migrant and refugee integration as carried out at local level, and to formulate policy recommendations on how to improve the migrant and refugee integration process within the EU. In this sense, the Handbook aspires to provide a strategic toolbox to support reflections in the development of future migration policies at the EU and national levels.

Handbook contents

The brief Introduction reiterating the global aim of the document and briefly reporting about the proceedings of the first Joint Migration Policy Roundtable held in October 2020 by the same six project. The remainder of the Handbook text is structured in two main sections, each mirroring a thematic session of the second Roundtable as explained, both co-authored by individual consortium members of the six aforementioned projects.

Section 2 deals with the overarching question: Can service design contribute to social integration? This topic is dealt with according to the following structure:

  • Co-design and convergence (responsible project MICADO)
  • Community-oriented approaches (responsible project NADINE)
  • Co-creation, social design and transformative impacts (responsible project REBUILD)
  • Human rights literacy in service design and supply (responsible project easyRights)
  • Privacy and data protection (responsible project MIICT)
  • Personalization of intelligent technologies for TCNs (responsible project WELCOME).

Section 3 examines the challenges for sustainability of digital solutions for social integration, taking on the following perspectives:

  • Bottlenecks in migrants' integration procedures (responsible project NADINE)
  • ü  Impacts of socio-technical solutions for migrants’ integration (responsible project REBUILD)
  • Developing a viable uptake strategy (responsible project MICADO)
  • Sustainability of the novel ICT solutions (responsible project MIICT)
  • Psychosocial dimensions of AI-supported services (responsible project WELCOME)
  • Assessing service accessibility: towards a new standard (responsible project easyRights).

Key lessons learned on the various issues are collected and interpreted in terms of acknowledged pitfalls and evidence-based policy recommendations, representing the “actionable” contents of this Handbook.

More Info
For the works of 2nd Joint Migration Policy Roundtable Workshop: Towards sustainability and adoption see here  >>>>>>>>>>>>>

The full content of the handbook is available below:

Rebuild project
European project
تحصل هذا المشروع على تمويل من الاتحاد الأوروبي
برنامج هورايزون 2020 للبحث والابتكار
بموجب الاتفاقية رقم 822215