Project manager Pau Pamplona and predoctoral researcher Maria Jimenez present REBUILD: ICT-enabled integration facilitator and life rebuilding guidance, in the framework og Global Accecibility Awareness Day.
The Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an event that takes place every year all around the world and aims at raising awareness about the importance of digital accessibility for a more inclusive society. The 9th Annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day took place as scheduled on the third Thursday of May, May 21st, 2020.
In previous years, the TransMedia Catalonia research group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have celebrated the Global Accessibility Awareness Day by hosting a TransMedia Catalonia Open Day.
This year however, due to the exceptional circumstances brought about by Covid-19, TransMedia Catalonia will be contributing to GAAD online in the form of accessible videos with subtitles and integrated audio description.
Representatives from each project have recorded videos from their workspaces at home to present the research group’s many ongoing projects and offer a brief description or demonstration of how assistive technologies are used.

You can watch the video which has integrated audio description here
You can view the full playlist of videos created for GAAD 2020 on the TransMedia Catalonia YouTube channel
Learn more about 9th Global Accessibility Awareness Day here