ألاخبار 2020


The Joint Migration Policy Whitepaper “Towards ICT-enabled Integration of Migrants is now available. The six European projects: MIICT, REBUILD, NADINE, MICADO, EASYRIGHTS and WELCOME, which are funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova [...]


Rebuild project was presented at “LEAD-ME Winter Training School 2020: Media Accessibility: Communication for all” delivered by UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) in partnership with Cost CA19142 LEAD-ME partners


María Jiménez presented the REBUILD project and the results from focus groups discussions regarding the use of ICT by refugees and how ICT currently impacts their integration process. 


María Jiménez presented the REBUILD project and the results from the questionnaires and interviews to LSPs regarding their technology and translation practices. 


The Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an event that takes place every year all around the world and aims at raising awareness about the importance of digital accessibility for a more inclusive society. The 9th Annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day took place as scheduled on the third Thursda [...]


European Commission invites REBUILD and five sister H2020 projects to discuss “virtually” on the challenge of migrant integration from several sides


REBUILD project through its partner CERTH (Centre for Research and Technology -Hellas), contributes to the Security Research Rapid Response to COVID19 - a platform bringing together the capabilities of the security research community to support the global efforts to combat COVID19.

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Rebuild project
European project
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برنامج هورايزون 2020 للبحث والابتكار
بموجب الاتفاقية رقم 822215