A new book chapter based on REBUILD project results has been published entitle: Multilingualism and Multimodality in Communication with Refugees. Experiences of Local Service Providers and Language Teachers in European Countries. The book is entitled “Multilingualism, translation and language teaching” and has been published on 04/05/2021, by Tirant Lo Blanch. The referred book chapter offers an overview of multilingual and multimodal strategies adopted to facilitate communication between refugees and LSPs in three European countries, namely Greece, Italy, and Spain.
The results of three intertwined research actions carried out in the framework of the Rebuild project, namely 53 interviews with social workers, two classroom observations, and a focus group with language teachers, have shed light on the current challenges in the context of communication with refugees, as well as ways in which to overcome them. Such challenges derive mainly from the high degree of heterogeneity among refugees (in terms of native languages spoken, culture of origin, education, or literacy levels) and the shortage of resources on the part of most entities devoted to integration, the latter repeatedly requesting to implement ICT tools to support more beneficiaries, reach wider audiences, and accelerate some of their internal processes.
Publication info
Book Title: Multilingualism, translation and language teaching”
Publisher: Tirant Lo Blanch
Book chapter Author(s): Blanca Arias-Badia and María Jimenez Andrés
Submission: 21/04/2020
Publication: 27/04/2021
More about the book

This book offers a comprehensive overview of the PluriTAV project (Audiovisual Translation as a Tool for the Development of the Multilingual Competence in the Classroom), carried out between 2017 and 2019 by researchers at four universities and funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Agencia Estatal de Investigación.
Working within the growing area of audiovisual translation and its various practices (e.g. dubbing, subtitling, audio description), the main objective of the project was to explore the methodological possibilities that a multilingual approach can offer in the teaching of foreign languages. The volume also gathers a selection of papers presented at the PluriTAV International Conference: Multilingualism, Translation, and Language Teaching, held in Valencia in October 2019.
The book provides an opportunity for international scholars to share their research experiences within the general topic of translation and language teaching in multilingual contexts. In an accessible and engaging manner, the chapters discuss theoretical issues in close relation to real practice and empirical data. This book should be of interest to students, scholars, and professionals involved in the field of language teaching and acquisition, who seek to expand their viewpoints and learn more about new and recent scholarly approaches to the didactic role and potential of translation in multilingual settings.
Look inside the book: contents and preface available here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>