The PluriTAV International Conference: Multilingualism, Translation and Language Teaching has been held at the Universitat de València (Spain) on 24-25 October 2019. The conference has focused on topics such as translation and language teaching, the development of linguistic competence, multilingual education and multiculturalism, among other.
In this framework, results of two research actions connected to the REBUILD project have been disseminated by Blanca Arias-Badia, who is a member of the UAB team involved in the project. Specifically, in her presentation entitled “Estrategias multilingües y multimodales en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras a refugiados: Prácticas actuales” (Multilingual and multimodal strategies in the teaching of foreign languages to refugees: Current practices), she has shown results of a teaching materials analysis carried out in collaboration with María Jiménez-Andrés and a focus group held in Barcelona with language experts teaching one of the main end-users for the toold developed at REBUILD, i.e. refugees and asylum seekers. In both actions, emphasis has been played in exploring the role of visual communication at the language classroom with these students. Further details about these analyses will be disseminated in a forthcoming publication.
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