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REBUILD presented at 12th International Conference on Professional Communication and Translation Studies


The international conference Professional Communication and Translation Studies has been organized by the Department of Communication and Foreign Languages since 2001.  The conference aimed to develop the exchange of ideas on the following topics:

  • Communication and public relations: theoretical and didactic problems and solutions
  • Linguistic insights into professional communication
  • Translation theory and translation didactics: their roles in communication
  • Foreign language teaching

The Conference included various type of sections such as presentation, workshops, and panel discussion. On March 26, 2021, REBUILD partner, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), by Prof. Pilar Orero, curated a workshop under the title “The Audiovisual Media Explosion”.

Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things have joined to offer audiences a personalised interaction with the content they consume. Media distribution used to be linear, following the concept: one size fits all. One movie or TV content was projected, or broadcast, in real time. The audience consumed at the same time the same content, with two possibilities: to change the sound volume or the image contrast. Digitalisation and convergence changed this uniform viewing practise, allowing for distribution to different terminals such as the phone, PC, tablet or TV. The hybrid ecosystem of broadcast and IP opened the door to personalisation, where the consumer could choose the language, accessibility service combination. New streaming platforms have added Artificial Intelligence to provide a better user experience. Recommendations, and an increasingly number of personalised functions in the media player make the concept of one size fits all something from the past. Only live events such as the Eurovision Sang Contest or the Olympic Games bear any resemblance to the lineal media distribution we had not that long ago. Studying and researching on Media Accessibility is becoming a really interesting field where technology plays an important part. The workshop will analyse the many Audiovisual Media formats and options, and the concept of the Common User Profile.

Audiovisual media changed people’s life in many forms. New technologies could bridge social gaps making services more accessible to people. The REBUILD project presented as an example within the workshop procedure.  

The event counted 170 attendees.

Visit the conference website here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

View the overall Conference Programme and the book of abstracts here >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Rebuild project
European project
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 822215.