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2nd Joint Migration Policy Roundtable Workshop: Towards sustainability and adoption



H2020 Migration-06 cluster organises the 2nd Joint Migration Policy Roundtable Workshop

For the 2nd time, the six H2020 Migration Projects REBUILD, EASYRIGHTS, MIICT, WELCOME, MICADO, and NADINE, join forces for another successful Policy Roundtable Workshop, that will be delivered online between October 21-22, 2021.

The 2nd joint Migration Policy Roundtable Workshop will focus on the sustainability and the adoption of solutions and tools that are currently developed in the projects.

Day #1, 21/10/2021: service design and social integration

Day #2, 22/10/2021: sustainability of solutions and social integration

The goal of the event is to raise awareness on the tools and solutions developed under the scope of these projects and how they could be adopted by all the involved stakeholders, let them be migrants, city officials, or policymakers

The invitation is open to all interested parties: migrants, local, reginal and/or national policy makers, representatives of the EC, consortium partners and others.

The online event is free of charge and any interested parties can register >>>>>>>here.
The event link will be provided after the registration and 1 day before the start of the workshop!

See the results of the 1st round of the Joint Policy workshops >>>>>>>>>>HERE

See below the full event agenda 

Rebuild project
European project
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 822215.