

Final event of Rebuild project available on the following link:


Finally the Rebuild app is available on Google Store!


On October 21 and 22, 2021, the six projects named MIICT, REBUILD, NADINE, MICADO, easyRights, and WELCOME, all funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, organized their second Joint Migration Policy Roundtable. This Handbook reflects on t [...]


H2020 Migration-06 cluster projects organize the 2nd Joint Migration Policy Roundtable Workshop. The 2nd Joint Migration Policy Roundtable Workshop will focus on the sustainability and the adoption of solutions and tools that are currently developed in the projects.


Rebuild project was presented in the international conference “Multidimensional housing deprivation – Local dynamics of inequality, policies and challenges for the future” organized by MICADO H2020 project and Hosted by the Department of Sociology and Business Law, University o [...]


MIICT, REBUILD, NADINE, MICADO, WELCOME and EasyRights are Horizon 2020-co-funded initiatives under the call H2020-SC6-DT-MIGRATION-06-2018-2019. The six projects work towards the development of ICT-enabled solutions and toolkits for the implementation of inclusion policies by public administrat [...]


The Joint Migration Policy Whitepaper produced by the six H2020 projects: REBUILD, MIICT, NADINE, MICADO, EASYRIGHTS and WELCOME, is mentioned as a good example of Horizon 2020 research for public services in the Commission’s working paper: Supporting public administrations in EU Member States [...]


REBUILD partner UAB and Prof. Pilar Orero was co-lead a workshop under the title “Adaptive Accessible AR/VR Systems” in the framework of CHI 2021 online conference, presenting the ways to succeed the engaging through AR/VR systems and Immersive Accessibility.


This open source article presents the results of in-depth interviews with staff in third sector organisations in Greece, Italy, Spain and the UK. The article discusses the diversity of multilingual, multimodal,  and  digital  communication  practices  among these organisatio [...]

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Rebuild project
European project
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 822215.