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Enabling equity and inclusion for refugees and asylum seekers through open education



UNINETTUNO participated to OER19 Conference in a panel about inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers through Open Education, presenting REBUILD project as a “beyond the state of the art” action that is leading to a more synergic and ambitious approach for refugees inclusion.
Four people from different institutions in different countries doing innovative work in this area join a panel organized by Gabi Withaus: Markus Wachowski from Kiron Open Education gGmbH (who joined online from Berlin), Alessandro Caforio from Uninettuno in Italy, Gill Ryan from the Open University in Scotland, and Paul O’Keeffe from  InZone, University of Geneva. The panel discussed how open education can enable equity and inclusion for asylum seekers and refugees.
The panel explored the different approaches and initiatives from the different Higher Education Institutions involved in addressing asylum seekers and refugees needs. 
UNINETTUNO started presenting the challenge at national level and the approach used to address it; and then introduced the panelist and the participants to REBUILD project, presented as an evolution of University for Refugees initiative and of other initiatives from project partners, aiming at using multidisciplinary competences, different stakeholders (NGOs, University and research centres, Enterprises, International organizations) for creating a ICT-enabled tool – the Digital companion – able both to provide better and effective support for accessing the existing services for migrants and refugees arriving in Europe; data-driven information and knowledge for local service providers involved in the reception and integration process of refugees; and a clear view about migrants and refugees to European citizenship.

Rebuild project
European project
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 822215.